Moose Jaw Miller Express
Moose Jaw Miller Express
3 - 4

												Okotoks Dawgs
Okotoks Dawgs


Date: 07/18/2024Start Time: 07:17 PMDuration: 2:29End Time: 09:46 PM

Winning Pitcher: 27 - Garrett MaloneyLosing Pitcher: 27 - Adam ChristopherSave Pitcher: 34 - Ashton Luera

Plate Umpire: PAYNE, MattField Umpire #1: SMITH, AdamField Umpire #2: Field Umpire #3: HARMON, Mark

Location: Seaman StadiumAttendance: 5081Weather: 22 degrees cloudy Comments:


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RHE
Moose Jaw010000200380


22Soto, T2B/3B402001.304
26Hagan, DCF100000.336
7Robbins, OPH/RF200001.220
14Osborn, JLF/PH100001.238
39Gurney, A1B402001.344
10Estrada, RLF/RF411000.311
38Mensik, NCF/RF412001.287
28Houston, NDH310002.377
8Gouldin, RC200000.000
17Bear, EPH100001.312
18Dennis, GC000000.209
13Tweet, WPH100001.194
11Pokorney, BSS400002.230
3Allen, M2B100001.279
2OHare, D3B201100.321
  • Away Batting
  • 2B: T.Soto (11), A.Gurney (10), N.Mensik 2 (13).
  • 3B: R.Estrada (1).
  • RBI: D.OHare (19).
  • Team LOB: 5.
  • Away Fielding
  • A: T.Soto 3 (95), A.Gurney (31), R.Gouldin (1), B.Pokorney (94).
  • DP: 1 (T. Soto(2B) - B. Pokorney(SS) - A. Gurney(1B)).
  • FCS: R.Gouldin (1).
  • PO: T.Soto (55), D.Hagan (49), O.Robbins (45), J.Osborn (28), A.Gurney 4 (233), R.Estrada 5 (40), N.Mensik 2 (88), R.Gouldin 3 (3), G.Dennis (145), B.Pokorney 3 (54), D.OHare (37), A.Christopher (1).
  • SBA: R.Gouldin 3 (3).
  • TC: T.Soto 4 (160), D.Hagan (50), O.Robbins (46), J.Osborn (29), A.Gurney 5 (271), R.Estrada 5 (45), N.Mensik 2 (98), R.Gouldin 4 (4), G.Dennis (161), B.Pokorney 4 (154), D.OHare (65), A.Christopher (2).
16Luther, BSS411000.358
29Arriola, JC411000.229
7Zdunich, TRF200101.281
12Burney, J3B312000.408
35Grant, LDH411100.261
10Crowson, C1B302201.355
28Eiseman, BLF300000.311
19Sullivan, SCF300002.150
5Rose, A2B301000.306
  • Home Batting
  • 2B: J.Arriola (4), L.Grant (6).
  • 3B: J.Burney (3).
  • HP: T.Zdunich (3), J.Burney (1).
  • RBI: T.Zdunich (26), L.Grant (20), C.Crowson 2 (41).
  • SF: T.Zdunich (1).
  • CS: C.Crowson (1).
  • SB: T.Zdunich (5), J.Burney (7).
  • Team LOB: 4.
  • Home Fielding
  • A: B.Luther (75), J.Arriola (25), J.Burney 2 (32), A.Rose 2 (33).
  • DP: 1 (B. Luther(SS) - A. Rose(2B) - C. Crowson(1B)).
  • E: J.Arriola (2), S.Sullivan (1).
  • PO: B.Luther (35), J.Arriola 12 (79), T.Zdunich 3 (47), C.Crowson 6 (169), B.Eiseman 2 (33), S.Sullivan (42), A.Rose 2 (19).
  • TC: B.Luther 2 (118), J.Arriola 14 (106), T.Zdunich 3 (47), J.Burney 2 (50), C.Crowson 6 (195), B.Eiseman 2 (36), S.Sullivan 2 (44), A.Rose 4 (54).


27   Christopher, A 7.0744035.60
6 Cookson, T 1.0100012.20
  • Away Pitching
  • BF: A.Christopher 28, T.Cookson 4.
  • P-S: A.Christopher 75-56, T.Cookson 15-10.
  • WP: A.Christopher 2 (2).
6 Tocheniuk, Q 2.0311037.24
27   Maloney, G 4.2421042.80
3 Herrmann, C 0.1000012.87
20 Crippin, B 0.2100010.00
11 Morrison, Z 0.1000013.33
34   Luera, A 1.0000021.56
  • Home Pitching
  • BF: Q.Tocheniuk 8, G.Maloney 19, C.Herrmann 1, B.Crippin 3, Z.Morrison 1, A.Luera 3.
  • P-S: Q.Tocheniuk 29-18, G.Maloney 72-50, C.Herrmann 3-3, B.Crippin 11-6, Z.Morrison 4-3, A.Luera 16-11.
  • WP: Q.Tocheniuk (1).


Top of 1st Moose Jaw Miller Express
#22 Thomas Soto 22 Thomas Soto advances to 1st (single)
#26 Darren Hagan Ball, Swinging Strike, Pickoff attempt at 1st base (pitcher to first baseman), 22 Thomas Soto putout (6-4) for out number 1, 26 Darren Hagan putout (6-4-3 DP) for out number 2
#39 Austin Gurney Called Strike, Called Strike, Ball, 39 Austin Gurney putout (dropped 3rd strike: KS 2) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 0
Bottom of 1st Okotoks Dawgs
#16 Brendan Luther Called Strike, Called Strike, 16 Brendan Luther advances to 1st (single to left field)
#29 Jasson Arriola Called Strike, Ball, 29 Jasson Arriola advances to 2nd (double to right field), 16 Brendan Luther advances to 3rd (29)
#7 Tucker Zdunich 29 Jasson Arriola advances to 3rd (7), 16 Brendan Luther Scores Earned (7), 7 Tucker Zdunich putout (sacrifice fly to center fielder) for out number 1
#12 Jarrett Burney 12 Jarrett Burney advances to 1st (hit by pitch)
#35 Logan Grant Swinging Strike, Called Strike, 12 Jarrett Burney advances to 2nd (stolen base), 12 Jarrett Burney advances to 3rd (35), 29 Jasson Arriola Scores Earned (35), 35 Logan Grant putout (3-1) for out number 2
#10 Connor Crowson Called Strike, Foul, Ball, 10 Connor Crowson putout (strike out swinging) for out number 3
Runs: 2, Hits: 2, Errors: 0, LOB: 1