Fort McMurray Giants
Fort McMurray Giants
0 - 1

												Brooks Bombers
Brooks Bombers


Date: 06/22/2019Start Time: 07:06 PMDuration: 2:02End Time: 09:08 PM

Winning Pitcher: 30 - Nick GarciaLosing Pitcher: 24 - Keith ManbySave Pitcher:

Plate Umpire: Brent RadrinskyField Umpire #1: cody NielsonField Umpire #2: Mitch BallField Umpire #3:

Location: Elks StadiumAttendance: 225Weather: Sunny 20°C, Wind 24km Comments:


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RHE


22Meyer, E3B400001.400
19Hess, T1B400001.354
2Hewitt, MSS402000.500
13Ortiz, RDH300000.314
25Wood, BLF302000.333
36McGrath, B2B300000.284
17Rainey, GC301000.300
6Minarcin, BCF300000.226
27Crispin, PRF300001.250
  • Away Batting
  • Team LOB: 3.
  • Away Fielding
  • A: E.Meyer 2 (31), M.Hewitt (6), B.McGrath (31), K.Manby (2).
  • PB: G.Rainey (1).
  • PO: T.Hess 6 (55), M.Hewitt (3), B.Wood (39), B.McGrath 4 (28), G.Rainey 8 (29), B.Minarcin 3 (28), P.Crispin (15).
  • SBA: G.Rainey (6).
  • TC: E.Meyer 2 (45), T.Hess 6 (79), M.Hewitt 2 (9), B.Wood (40), B.McGrath 5 (61), G.Rainey 8 (29), B.Minarcin 3 (30), P.Crispin (16), K.Manby (2).
27Wandler, D3B101000.275
32Perez, KCF300002.242
5McIntyre, JLF/RF300000.303
22Pearce, M1B/3B402100.390
23Rodriguez, D1B/RF300012.311
28Troncin, CDH401001.345
8Kates, BC300000.382
6Donnelly, DCF/LF200021.129
2Scott, J2B200012.154
25Pradd, CSS311000.143
  • Home Batting
  • 2B: C.Pradd (2).
  • HP: J.McIntyre (4), B.Kates (1).
  • RBI: M.Pearce (23).
  • SB: D.Donnelly (1).
  • Team LOB: 9.
  • Home Fielding
  • A: M.Pearce 2 (19), D.Rodriguez (2), J.Scott 3 (37), C.Pradd 7 (21), N.Garcia (6).
  • PO: K.Perez 2 (41), J.McIntyre 3 (27), D.Rodriguez 13 (49), B.Kates 3 (53), D.Donnelly 3 (15), J.Scott 2 (22), N.Garcia (1).
  • TC: K.Perez 2 (41), J.McIntyre 3 (27), M.Pearce 2 (143), D.Rodriguez 14 (53), B.Kates 3 (59), D.Donnelly 3 (17), J.Scott 5 (69), C.Pradd 7 (28), N.Garcia 2 (7).


24   Manby, K 5.0511252.40
99 Moroz, R 3.0000232.84
  • Away Pitching
  • BF: K.Manby 22, R.Moroz 12.
  • P-S: K.Manby 87-49, R.Moroz 40-25.
  • WP: K.Manby (1).
30   Garcia, N 9.0500034.09
  • Home Pitching
  • BF: N.Garcia 30.
  • P-S: N.Garcia 90-71.


Top of 1st Fort McMurray Giants
#22 Eric Meyer Ball, Swinging Strike, Foul, Foul, Ball, Foul, Foul, Foul, 22 Eric Meyer putout (strike out) for out number 1
#19 Tanner Hess Swinging Strike, Foul, 19 Tanner Hess putout (strike out swinging) for out number 2
#2 Max Hewitt Ball, Ball, Swinging Strike, 2 Max Hewitt advances to 1st (single)
#13 Richard Ortiz 13 Richard Ortiz putout (fly out to center field) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Bottom of 1st Brooks Bombers
#27 Dax Wandler Ball, 27 Dax Wandler advances to 1st (single)
#5 Josh McIntyre Swinging Strike, Ball, Swinging Strike, Foul, 5 Josh McIntyre putout (fly out to the second baseman) for out number 1
#22 McCoy Pearce Swinging Strike, 22 McCoy Pearce putout (fly out to center field) for out number 2
#23 Damian Rodriguez Ball, Swinging Strike, 23 Damian Rodriguez putout (6-3) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 1