Brooks Bombers
Brooks Bombers
4 - 12

												Sylvan Lake Gulls
Sylvan Lake Gulls


Date: 08/05/2024Start Time: 02:12 PMDuration: 3:13End Time: 05:25 PM

Winning Pitcher: 36 - Tyler AlmLosing Pitcher: 5 - Evan LeiblSave Pitcher:

Plate Umpire: Ty HolundField Umpire #1: Clayton WandlerField Umpire #2: Field Umpire #3: Kris Hartley

Location: Gulls StadiumAttendance: 1555Weather: Clearing Comments:


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RHE
Sylvan Lake01001550x12120


26Gaines, DLF402100.320
35Matlick, KLF100001.000
2Matthews, PCF411002.279
25Taverez, LCF/PH100001.000
15Gilbert, A3B412100.412
34McLaughlin, K3B/PH100001.000
32Bretza, Z1B/P301001.311
16Pokorny, JP100001.000
21Parker, KDH201001.219
36Harvill, GDH100001.000
5Leibl, E1B/P010010.240
20Shaver, M2B200000.258
19Cote, J2B/PH201101.125
4Kitzan, ASS400003.154
14King, NC312011.333
23Walters, JRF300011.281
  • Away Batting
  • 2B: D.Gaines (10), P.Matthews (11), A.Gilbert 2 (14), J.Cote (1).
  • RBI: D.Gaines (22), A.Gilbert (50), J.Cote (2).
  • CS: D.Gaines (6).
  • Team LOB: 8.
  • Away Fielding
  • A: A.Gilbert (75), E.Leibl (6), A.Kitzan (7).
  • E: Z.Bretza (9).
  • PO: D.Gaines 3 (82), K.Matlick 2 (2), P.Matthews 2 (121), A.Gilbert 2 (44), Z.Bretza 2 (70), E.Leibl (226), M.Shaver (79), A.Kitzan (4), N.King 7 (118), J.Walters 3 (17).
  • SBA: N.King 3 (27).
  • TC: D.Gaines 3 (87), K.Matlick 2 (5), P.Matthews 2 (128), A.Gilbert 3 (135), Z.Bretza 3 (141), E.Leibl 2 (237), M.Shaver (199), A.Kitzan 2 (12), N.King 7 (135), J.Walters 3 (17).
4Fung, MRF421200.324
5Roy, GSS332320.363
2Abulhosn, M2B411000.335
14Murray, M2B/PH010010.315
18Ciesielski, CLF210020.382
8Hammill, ECF200012.281
40Boomer, JCF/PR202300.250
11Tijerina, BDH413100.385
23Phelan, J1B422102.281
16Spear, KC501002.167
21Townsend, C3B300000.232
24Harmon, R3B/PH110010.281
  • Home Batting
  • 3B: M.Fung (4).
  • HP: M.Fung 2 (9), C.Ciesielski (16).
  • RBI: M.Fung 2 (23), G.Roy 3 (49), J.Boomer 3 (6), B.Tijerina (12), J.Phelan (9).
  • SF: B.Tijerina (3), J.Phelan (1).
  • SB: M.Fung (12), G.Roy (33), M.Abulhosn (21).
  • Team LOB: 10.
  • Home Fielding
  • A: G.Roy 3 (150), M.Abulhosn 2 (94), K.Spear (11), C.Townsend 2 (36).
  • CS: K.Spear (1).
  • PO: M.Fung (65), G.Roy (79), M.Abulhosn 3 (74), J.Phelan 7 (123), K.Spear 15 (155).
  • SBA: K.Spear (24).
  • TC: M.Fung (80), G.Roy 4 (250), M.Abulhosn 5 (177), J.Phelan 7 (131), K.Spear 16 (170), C.Townsend 2 (66).


37 Lenhardt, B 2.1111208.36
5   Leibl, E 2.2432133.18
32 Bretza, Z 1.1785425.50
16 Pokorny, J 1.2000013.65
  • Away Pitching
  • BF: B.Lenhardt 12, E.Leibl 13, Z.Bretza 16, J.Pokorny 5.
  • P-S: B.Lenhardt 43-20, E.Leibl 59-36, Z.Bretza 66-33, J.Pokorny 18-12.
  • WP: E.Leibl 2 (2), Z.Bretza 2 (2).
19 McMan, P 3.0311143.10
26 Bohlmann, B 1.0100025.40
36   Alm, T 2.1200033.15
15 Perez, J 0.2100004.38
29 Quezada, O 1.0333234.50
34 Boudreau, T 1.0000031.13
  • Home Pitching
  • BF: P.McMan 12, B.Bohlmann 4, T.Alm 9, J.Perez 3, O.Quezada 8, T.Boudreau 3.
  • P-S: P.McMan 52-33, B.Bohlmann 12-10, T.Alm 27-21, J.Perez 10-6, O.Quezada 39-21, T.Boudreau 11-9.
  • WP: O.Quezada (1).


Top of 1st Brooks Bombers
#26 D_Andre Gaines Foul, Ball, Swinging Strike, Ball, 26 D_Andre Gaines advances to 1st (single)
#2 Payton Matthews Called Strike, Swinging Strike, Ball, Pickoff attempt at 1st base (pitcher to first baseman), Pickoff attempt at 1st base (pitcher to first baseman), Ball, Pickoff attempt at 1st base (catcher to first baseman), 2 Payton Matthews putout (strike out) for out number 1
#15 Antony Gilbert Swinging Strike, 26 D_Andre Gaines putout (caught stealing: CS 2-4) for out number 2, Ball, Foul, Ball, 15 Antony Gilbert putout (5-3) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 0
Bottom of 1st Sylvan Lake Gulls
#4 Matty Fung Ball, Ball, Called Strike, 4 Matty Fung putout (fly out to right field) for out number 1
#5 Gavin Roy 5 Gavin Roy putout (fly out to center field) for out number 2
#2 Marques Abulhosn Ball, 2 Marques Abulhosn putout (3U) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 0